My Acne Story: A Journey to Radiant Skin

Dipti Goyal
5 min readOct 1, 2023

Let me share the transformative journey of my struggle with adult acne and the path I took to achieve radiant, flawless skin. Here I will be sharing my personal acne journey from worst to flawless skin.

Being a yoga teacher and a nutritionist, my students always think that the secret of my radiant skin is my yoga practice and my healthy diet. I never denied that yoga and a healthy diet didn’t help me to get a healthy body not just from the outside but from the inside as well.

But you wouldn’t say the same if you met me a few years ago. My skin was not as flawless as it is today.

Disclaimer: I don’t have my earlier picture to show my face full of acne, as I was camera not able to face the camera, which led me to lack confidence. But now love to take selfies, whenever possible, and get compliments also.

As they always say your skin is the mirror of your health. When I got married, my skin started showing red big bumps here and there all over my face. I was so scared to see myself in the mirror. Some of my relatives said that because you are having some hormonal changes due to your wedding, and some of them said acnes were because of my environmental or lifestyle changes.

I believed what they said and applied their suggested home remedies. But the situation was getting worse. My life partner was not showing interest in getting intimate with me and for that, I blamed my skin problem.

So I decided to take the help of a good dermatologist, who prescribed some heavy doses and creams. I started applying them and boom, I was showing the results. I was on the seventh sky. Finally, I got the solution for my skin problem which will further lead to my happy married life. Now my husband would love me, as I was thinking.

But, after a month of stopping the medicines, I started showing the acnes again even worse. Now I started searching for some other dermatologists with better reviews and started visiting a few of them one after another. I spent a lot on medicines and doctors but nothing helped me out.

Now was the time to take the help of Ayurveda, it failed too. Then homeopathy again failed. Meanwhile, I was struggling in my married life, not getting love and attention from my partner as he was busy with other girls, trying to adjust to a new job in a metro city, and some other family stuff.

Due to all of those things, it was hard to take care of my sleep, diet, and my emotions. I felt like a loser who didn’t have a good partner and a healthy body. All of them made my acne worse, my face became dull and energyless, and my body was having pain here and there. There was hardly any night, which I spent without crying.

I had given up on doctors, medicines luxury beauty treatments, and costly products. I was hopeless at that moment.

Then I heard that I should join some workout routine to work internally so I joined a gym. I did this for about 3–4 months. It helped me to gain some confidence but did not help me to cure my acne. Then I joined swimming classes, but nothing changed.

Now it was the time when I gave myself a last try and joined a yoga class after office. I joined yoga 7 years back with some very superficial purposes — to lose extra fat and get good skin. But I ended up with a yoga teacher.

It didn’t mean that after joining yoga classes my problems got resolved. My problems were still there, but yoga was helping me to deal with life problems. Gradually with the continuous study of yoga philosophy and Bhagavad Gita, I realized that I am the one who is responsible for my sufferings and always blamed others for my problems. I took back the charge of my emotional trauma from others and started working on permanent solutions for not just my acne but also my overall mental and physical health.

I would like to categorize into two parts the things that helped me to heal my acne and gave me radiant spotless skin:

External Part:

Externally I made the below changes which nobody told me earlier:

  • I started using a facewash that has salicylic acid, which is good for oily skin, as it removes dirt and extra oil
  • Invested in a good oil-free moisturizer and sunscreen
  • I stopped using a hard face scrub, instead using water base scrub cum toner (only in the evening)
  • In the evening, I use double cleansing of my face and follow up with toner & moisturizer.
  • On a weekly basis, I put a mud mask on my face for 15 minutes.
    Now comes my secret part, which would change your acne story and that is Ice massage. Every morning, after facewash, take an ice cube and rub it in a circular motion all over your face. And then let it dry 90%, then apply moisturizer, and sunscreen. Now you are good to go.

Internal Part:

Having fruits and seasonal vegetables is always good for skin health, but they will only work if your metabolism is properly functional. If your metabolism is good, you will be able to absorb the nutrition of your food and it improves your digestion, if digestion is working properly you will be able to sleep well. If you sleep well, you wake up with positive energy and this positivity will show on your face. It works like a circle. So the whole point is you have to keep your mental health in check so that you can rest better.

Nowadays people are aware of of having healthy organic food, and the importance of exercise but they still don’t know the value of good rest and sound sleep. I see people around me, sleeping with their mobiles, waking up with mobiles, checking their mailbox or any new Instagram reels till late at night and first thing in the morning.

So you have to give rest to your mind before going to bed and just after waking up.

Final words

Acne problem is not a major health problem and can be cured easily. But it took almost a decade to understand this fact. From my experience, I would like to say, that 80% of your emotions and 20% of other external factors are responsible for your health issues. Working on your mind, taking care of your emotions, and putting healthy stuff within you can help you win the battle.

If my experience can help in any way, let me know in the comment box.

Stay healthy and be blessed.



Dipti Goyal

Dipti is a certified yoga teacher and lifestyle blogger. She loves to share personal experiences, health tips and mindfulness.